Student Art of the Week: Rachel Grant works with color theory


Name: Rachel Grant

Grade: Senior

Who is your art teacher?: Mr. Wallisch

What inspired you to make this piece of artwork?:  I wanted to make this for my art portfolio. Also, I wanted to work with color theory

What is this painting of?: I wanted to do a face of an Asian girl because I believe there is not enough representation of that.

How long have you been working on this?: About three hours

What was the hardest part of the painting?: The lips

What is your favorite part?: Creating the hair

How would you describe this painting in one word?: Eccentric

Is art fun or a stress reliever?: Art is extremely fun, but it can also be very stressful at the same time for me.

Do you want to go to school for art?: Yes, I got accepted to the Savannah College of Art and Design