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The full cast of "Big Fish."
The full cast of “Big Fish.”
Shelley Crowe

Meet the cast of “Big Fish”

“Big Fish” has taken the stage at BPHS. The show is directed by Mr. Todd Kuczawa and Ms. Julia Davin, the Orchestra Director is Mr. Jay McDowell, the Choreographer is Ms. Paige Landay, the Costume Director is Ms. Heather Fontana, with help from Mrs. Blum and Mrs. Lodge, moms of cast members, and the Production Designer/Technical Director is Mr. Christopher Plummer. 

Senior Noah Stiglich, who will perform as Edward Bloom, said: “Big Fish follows Edward Bloom through his life adventures as he meets many incredible people and goes through several obstacles to achieve the life he wants. This musical is so beautiful because it touches on the deep levels of family dynamics and that concept is so real for many people in their lives.”

Senior Cayden Lodge who will perform as Amos Calloway, said: “In “Big Fish,” the story revolves around Edward Bloom, a man with a penchant for telling extraordinary and fantastical tales about his life. As his son Will prepares to become a father himself, he seeks to uncover the truth behind his father’s elaborate stories and reconcile their strained relationship. Through a series of flashbacks and imaginative musical sequences, the audience witnesses Edward’s larger-than-life adventures, love stories, and encounters with mythical creatures. The musical explores themes of family, legacy, and the transformative power of storytelling, ultimately leading to a poignant reconciliation between father and son.”

The show runs through Saturday, March 16. Tickets cost $10 and can be bought by clicking here.

Now, to introduce the characters and the students portraying these roles.

Meet Edward Bloom

Edward Bloom is the husband of Sandra and the father of Will. The musical revolves around the witty and exciting stories he tells of his life. Edward tells stories of a witch, a giant, and many others that contributed to his life. 

“Edward Bloom is outwardly an ambitious, adventurous, family man. He chooses to live his life to the fullest, but Edward also knows that sometimes that leads him to make mistakes. However, you can tell right from the start that Edward is a genuine person who has led such an incredible life,” Noah Stiglich said.

“Edward Bloom is someone who tells fantastical stories from his life. He loves his family and is always looking for a new adventure to take on in his life. He is always trying to help anyone who needs it and is always trying to be there for people. Edward is very genuine and kind,” Justin Muench said.

Edward will be played by seniors Justin Muench in the opening cast and Noah Stiglich in the closing cast.

Muench has been seen as Chip Tolentino in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” and Lucas Beineke in “The Addams Family”. He also played trumpet in the Pit Orchestra of “Cinderella”.

When asked about his favorite part about portraying the role of Edward, Muench said: “ My favorite part of playing Edward Bloom has to be how fun and out there his personality is. He is just ready to have a good time and have fun in any possible situation.”

Along with participating in the musicals, he is a member of Top 21, Concert Choir, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Ensemble. Muench is also the student director of the marching band.

Muench said: “This musical is just very entertaining to watch. From big musical numbers to mellow, slow songs this musical has so much to offer. The characters are lovable and the story is very enticing. It has many laugh-out-loud moments and will also leave you crying by the end of the show. This musical is also unlike anything that Bethel Park has done recently.”

When asked what he’s looking forward to this year, Stiglich said: “Being in the musical over the last four years has been my favorite part of high school. I look forward to this time every year and each time outdoes the last. It is so amazing to work with talented artists in the cast, crew, and pit orchestra to put on a show that means so much to me. Even through the long rehearsals, I love being able to surround myself with the people that I admire and create memories and friendships that I will carry throughout my entire life.”

Prior to portraying the role of Edward, Stiglich played Dan/Carl dad in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”, Jean-Michele in “Cinderella”, and Gomez in “The Addams Family”.

In addition to his talents on stage, Stiglich is a member of Top 21 and Concert Choir.

Stiglich said: “This year has been so completely different from every other show I have been in over the past four years here. Externally, this musical may seem goofy and ridiculous, but as you watch it you’re going to realize it is so much more. I have never been a part of such an emotional and creative show that truly knows how to make you laugh uncontrollably then sob the very next minute. I am hoping it resonates with the audience on many different levels and you can leave the show appreciating your life and family.”

Muench and Stiglich are overjoyed to be playing Edward this spring.

Meet Will Bloom

Will Bloom is the son of Edward and Sandra and the husband of Josephine. In the show, Will finds out he soon will become a father. His story-telling father, Edward, becomes sick and Will wants to separate the stories from the truth so he has something to tell his future child. 

“He sees things in black and white and is the polar opposite of his father. He’s determined to be nothing like his father, and he wants to understand why his father is the way he is,” said Liam Coll.

“He is a logical thinker and doesn’t like that his father’s stories are exaggerated. He just wants to know how things happened in his father’s life,” said Dylan Lawton.

Will will be played by freshman Liam Coll in the opening cast and senior Dylan Lawton in the closing cast.

This is Coll’s first musical at BPHS, but he has been seen as Young Patrick Denis in “Mame” at Baldwin High School, Secret Service Guy in “Annie” at IMS, and Coach Comet in “Rudolph” at IMS.

Along with his participation in musicals, Coll is also a member of the Concert Choir and Marching Band.

When asked why people should see “Big Fish”, Coll said, “People should see the musical because it is a great story that shows the importance of family, growth, and forgiveness.”

Similarly, Lawton is a member of the Concert Choir and Marching Band. He is also a member of Top 21 and Concert Band.

This is Lawton’s last performance on a BP stage. He has previously played Lucas in “The Addams Family”, Lord Pinkleton in “Cinderella”, and Dan/Carl Dad in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” all at BPHS. He also played Teen Angel in “Grease Jr.” and Michael Banks in “Mary Poppins Jr.” at IMS. 

Lawton also does numerous shows at South Park Theater and Little Lake Theater. He recently played Arpad in “She Loves Me” at South Park Theater and Ralphie in “A Christmas Story” at Little Lake Theater.

As someone who has performed in all four musicals in his time at BPHS, Lawton said: “My favorite part about performing in BPHS productions is the bond created among the cast members. It is so much fun to perform and make so many new friends and memories.”

Both Coll and Lawton are thrilled to play Will Bloom this spring.

Meet Josephine Bloom

Josephine is the wife to Will and the soon-to-be mother of his child.

“Visiting Alabama from her home in New York she is trying to understand and connect Will’s relationship with his father so that Will may understand how to be a father himself,” Emma Thimons said.

Josephine will be played by seniors Emma Thimons in the opening cast and Bella Stasik in the closing cast.

Previously, Thimons was in the ensemble of both “The Addams Family” and “Cinderella”. She also performed in “Mary Poppins Jr.” at IMS as Mrs. Corry and was the student director.

“My favorite part about Josephine would be her patience, which is something I may lack in real life,” Thimons said about portraying the role of Josephine.

Along with being in BPHS musicals, Thimons is a member of Top 21 and Concert Choir. She is also a Bethette Squad Leader in the Marching Band. She also participated in both PMEA District and Region choirs.

When asked what she’s most looking forward to, Thimons said: “My mom took me to my first musical at Bethel when I was 5 years old and since then I have wanted to be on that stage. I think I am most looking forward to finally making my little self proud.”

After high school, Thimons will be attending Seton Hill to accomplish their 5-year Physician Assistant Program (BS/MS).

Similar to Thimons, Stasik has previously been in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” and “Cinderella”. Outside of school shows, she has performed in Little Lake’s production of “Newsies” as Mush.

Stasik is a member of Top 21 and Concert Choir as well as a Bethette Squad Leader in the Marching Band. She also participated in both PMEA District and Region choirs.

When asked why people should see “Big Fish”, Stasik said: “Everyone should come to see the musical because it is unlike anything we have done before. The show is so fun and lighthearted, but then the true meaning is so emotional and beautiful. It is one that you would not want to miss!”

Stasik plans to attend Penn State University to study secondary education for English teaching.

Thimons and Stasik are delighted to be portraying the role of Josephine and are expecting to have astonishing performances this spring.

Meet The Witch

The witch appears at the beginning and the end of the musical. She is a character at the beginning of Edward’s life. After snooping around to try to find this rumored witch, Edward is told his future and how he will die.

“The Witch is a very mysterious and powerful woman. She has this astoundingly big presence when you meet her that truly draws you in,” Alea Taylor said.

The witch will be played by seniors Alea Taylor in the opening cast and Meghan DeHaven in the closing cast.

This is Taylor’s final performance at BPHS. She has been a part of the past three musicals and all four fall plays in her time at BPHS.

Her fall play performances include Violet in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, Rheba in “You Can’t Take it With You”, Vivian in “The Last Christmas Radio Show”, and Mattie McLinden in “The Second Star”.

In the spring musicals, she has played Madame in “Cinderella” and Morticia in “The Addams Family”.

Taylor is also an active [participant at Little Lake Theater where she has been seen as Charlotte Dennon in  “Elf” and a featured dancer in “Frozen”.

Taylor said, “I’m so honored to have been able to play so many powerful women characters throughout high school but with this character in particular she just truly takes you to a new world with her song, and the magic she brings to her scene.”

Along with performing on stage in musicals and plays, Taylor is a member of the Concert Choir and is a Bethette in the Marching Band.

When asked what her favorite memory from the musical is, she said: “My favorite memory of doing this is how close you become with your castmates, you truly get to form a bond with them like no other. Something about staying at the school for hours until dark doing the thing you love together really just brings us all together. I’ve met so many incredibly talented and wonderful people that I’m so grateful to have gotten to bring into my life.”

Taylor plans to attend Slippery Rock University to study Early Education and Special Education.

Taylor and DeHaven have a special bond while portraying the Witch as they have played mother and daughter in the same cast in “Cinderella” and “The Addams Family”.

DeHaven has been in all four musicals during her time at BPHS and is feeling bittersweet about this being her last show. She said: “Every year of musical has been so special to me. From Putnam being a small and close cast to Addams Family and Big Fish feeling like a real family. I have made so many of my best friends doing musicals and am so sad to be giving it up but am ready to see what comes next.”

She has performed as Marcy Park in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”, Charlotte in “Cinderella”, and Wednesday Addams in “The Addams Family”. She even participated in the Fall Play last year where she played Donna in “The Last Christmas Radio Show”.

Outside of musicals, DeHaven is a member of the Concert Choir, Top 21, and is one of the Head Bethettes in the marching band. DeHaven has also participated in PMEA District, Region, and All-State Choirs.

DeHaven plans to attend Point Park University to study Public Relations, Advertising, and Social Media.

Taylor and DeHaven are overjoyed to see what the future holds for them and this show.

Meet Jenny Hill

Jenny Hill is Edward’s high school girlfriend from his hometown. She appears at the end of the musical as well when she is older. She tells Will about how Edward saved their town. 

“She is, at first, a very happy and cheerful cheerleader who is in love with Edward. Later in the show, she becomes very sad and depressed, which was definitely done by her newer husband. My favorite part is getting to challenge myself to be both of these roles for one character,” Rylin Celento said.

“She used to be a perky cheerleader, but after Edward left the town she ended up a sad, lonely woman, and never fully forgave Edward for marrying someone else, as her new husband could not live up to the wonderful man he was,” Grace Skalniak said.

Jenny will be played by sophomore Rylin Celento in the opening cast and senior Grace Skalniak in the closing cast.

Prior to “Big Fish”, Celento was in “Mean Girls: High School Version” as Cady Heron and Descendants the Musical as Mal at Accent Music Academy. At BPHS, she was in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” along with participating in the fall plays where she was Maria in “The Second Star” and Alex in “The Last Christmas Radio Show”.

Along with the musicals and plays, Celento is a member of the Sophomore Treble Choir and will be in Top 21 next year.

Similarly, Skalniak participates in both plays and musicals as well as being a member of Top 21. She is also a member of the Concert Choir.

In her time at BPHS, she played Blanche in “The Second Star”, Evelyn in “The Last Christmas Radio Show” Kolenkhov in “You Can’t Take It With You”, Frieda in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, and was in ensemble of both “Cinderella” and “The Addams Family”

Skalniak plans to attend Point Park to study Drama or Duquesne to study Music.

Both Celento and Skalniak are eager to perform as Jenny Hill.

Meet Amos Calloway

Amos is the ringmaster of the circus that Edward brings Karl to. Amos helps Edward find his wife, Sandra, whom he sees doing an act with her best friends and instantly falls in love. 

“Amos is this character with a giant personality who puts on a show to hide his secrets and his true self from the world. My favorite part about him is the attitude and almost sassiness that is part of his showy persona,” Caleb Steele said.

Amos will be played by senior Cayden Lodge in the opening cast and junior Caleb Steele in the closing cast.

Lodge has performed in two shows at BPHS. He was in the ensemble of “Cinderella” his sophomore year and he was Mal in “The Addams Family” his junior year.

Lodge is looking forward to getting to play the role of Red Fang, the WWII villain in one of Edward’s stories, on his off night.

Along with performing in musicals, he is a member of the Jazz Ensemble, Concert Choir, Drumline, and Top 21. He also performs in numerous bands around BP.

Unlike Lodge, this is Steele’s first musical performance. When asked what he is looking forward to the most, Steele said, “ I’m looking forward to being able to make lifelong memories with friends during the rehearsals and productions and then putting on an amazing show in March.”

In the past, Steele has applied his musical talents elsewhere. He is a member of the Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, and Concert Choir. He also participated in multiple PMEA ensembles including District Choir, District Band, and Region Band.

“Not only does this musical have amazing music, but it also has the best story of any musical I know of. Also, it has a surprising number of really funny moments given the seriousness of the story,” he said when asked why people should see the show.

Both Lodge and Steele delighted to play the role of Amos.

Meet Zacky Price

Zacky Price is the younger brother of Don Price, Edward’s hometown bully. Zacky looks up to his older brother Don and tends to imitate what he does.

“He’s portrayed as an annoying kid who looks up to Don and does everything he does. He follows him in his footsteps and is always behind him no matter how stupid it is,” Noah Rauch said.

Zacky will be played by sophomores Caden Smith in the opening cast and Noah Rauch in the closing cast.

Smith has recently been in “Annie Jr.” as Drake and “Peter Pan Jr.” as Michael at IMS. Last year, he played Puglsey in “The Addams Family”.

“I love it when we start running the show with costumes because then it really feels like it’s a show night,” Smith said when asked what his favorite part of doing musicals is.

Along with musicals, Smith is a member of Concert Choir, Concert Band, and Drumline.

This is the second musical Rauch has been. He was in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” last year. He is also a member of the Concert Choir.

Rauch said: “I’m very excited for when show weeks rolls around and the looks of the show and everything coming together. Watching that all take place last year was one of my favorite things about the musical as a whole.”

Along with his musical talents, Rauch is a distance runner for the BPXC and BPTF teams. He did indoor track simultaneously with musical rehearsals.

When asked why people should see the musical, Rauch said: “People should see the musical because of its story and how motivational it can be. It really emphasizes bonds and how strong families are as a whole when everyone gets each other. We’ve also all put in a lot of effort on the show and want to show it off to everyone as the best show we can be.”

Both Smith and Rauch are over-the-moon excited for their performances as Zacky Price.

Meet Karl

Karl is the giant living in a cave in Edward’s hometown of Ashton. Edward takes on the job of getting the giant to leave. Edward takes Karl on a journey and introduces him to the circus where he will gain success. 

Karl will be played by seniors Sam Pellis in the opening cast and Nathan Tietz in the closing cast.

Sam Pellis said: “Karl is a giant that has been living in a cave his whole life. Very intelligent, an outcast. He’s Edward Bloom’s friend. He learns life lessons from Edward. My favorite part is getting to walk on the stilts.”

When asked what his favorite part of playing Karl is, Nathan Tietz said, “My favorite part is having a deep voice while being super tall.”

Pellis has been involved in many different parts of BPHS’s high school productions. He was in the Pit Orchestra in “Cinderella” and was a dancer in “The Addams Family”.

Along with his talents in the musical, Pellis is a member of Concert Choir, Top 21, and Chamber Orchestra. He has also participated in a plethora of PMEA ensembles including District, Region, and All-State choirs and District Orchestra. Pellis is also a former member of the Pittsburgh Youth Philharmonic Orchestra.

After high school, Pellis plans to attend Penn State University to study Nutritional Sciences. He also plans to continue his musical career by joining a choir at his college.

Pellis said: “I think people should see Big Fish because it’s very different from ones we’ve done in the past. It’s a great story. It has such an incredible message and the audience will be left breathtaken.”

Now, Tietz has a special role in the musical this year. He is the only member of the cast to be playing two roles. He will perform as Don Price in the opening cast and Karl in the closing cast.

This is Tietz’s second musical at BPHS. Last year, he played Lurch in “The Addams Family”.

“It’s fun to portray two characters that are almost complete opposites. It was also fun to actually have lines this year,” he said.

Along with his efforts in the musical, he is a member of the Symphonic band, Jazz Ensemble, and Top 21. Tietz has also participated in both PMEA District and Region Choirs.

Pellis and Tietz are thrilled to be playing the role of Karl.

Meet Don Price

Don Price is a bully from Edward’s town of Ashton. He is Edward’s biggest competition. Everything Edward does, Don also has to do. 

Andrew Hughes said: “Don Price is a simple character. He’s a bully. He’s jealous of Edward and how it’s always Edward who wins this or Edward who does that and it makes Don angry, which causes Don to hate Edward. My favorite part of the character is to show the constraint between Edward and Don.”

Don Price will be played by senior Nathan Tietz in the opening cast and sophomore Andrew Hughes in the closing cast.

Tietz has a special role in the musical this year. He is the only member of the cast to be playing two roles. He will perform as Don Price in the opening cast and Karl in the closing cast.

This is Tietz’s second musical at BPHS. Last year, he played Lurch in “The Addams Family”.

“It’s fun to portray two characters that are almost complete opposites. It was also fun to actually have lines this year,” he said.

Along with his efforts in the musical, he is a member of the Symphonic band, Jazz Ensemble, and Top 21. Tietz has also participated in both PMEA District and Region Choirs.

Because Don is competitive and mean to Edward, Tietz says he is excited to be the guy that everyone does not like. 

Previously, Hughes was in “Peter Pan” and “Annie” at IMS and in “The Addams Family” at BPHS. He is also a member of the Symphonic Band, Concert Choir, and Top 21.

Earlier in the process of rehearsals for the musical, Hughes said: “I can’t wait for later in March when everything comes together and everyone does their part. It was very satisfying seeing that happen last year.”

Tietz and Hughes are both eager to be taking the stage as Don Price.

Meet the Fisherman

The Fisherman appears at the beginning of the show. He is having a hard time catching a fish and waking them up. Edward helps him by doing the Alabama Stomp.

The Fisherman will be played by sophomores Broghan Reeder in the opening cast and Maden Konopka in the closing cast.

Reeder has recently been seen in “Annie Jr” and “Peter Pan Jr” at IMS and “The Addams Family” at BPHS.

“I just love to perform so I’m looking forward to that. Bethel always has a great performance no matter what musical it is,” he said when asked what he is most excited about.

Reeder, along with musicals, is a member of the Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, and Drumline. 

Previously, Konopka was seen in “The Last Christmas Radio Show”, “The Second Star”, and “Addams Family”.

Konopka is a member of the Concert Choir and Top 21.

Konopka’s favorite part of the musical is being with his friends and making new ones.

Both Reeder and Konopka are thrilled to play the Fisherman.

Meet the Alabama Lambs

The Alabama Lambs are featured in the circus scene in Big Fish. They are two of Sandra’s best friends who perform a song and dance with her.

Four people will take on the roles of the Alabama Lambs. Junior Riley Lloyd and sophomore Nina Lane will perform in the opening cast. Sophomores Peyton Michaels and Ashlyn Schmidt will perform in the closing cast.

Previously, Lloyd has been seen in the ensemble of “Mary Poppins” and ensemble, brave girl, and as drummer girl in “Peter Pan” at IMS. She also performed in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” last spring at BPHS.

“My dad is obsessed with ‘Addams Family’ since the musical and he makes me, Meghan and Sam do the opening dance in my living room all the time,” Lloyd said. She is excited to see if her dad will feel the same about “Big Fish”.

Lloyd is a member of Concert Band, Top 21, and Concert Choir.

She expressed that she has loved all the friends she’s made through all of the shows she’s done in the past. When asked what she is most excited about, Lloyd said, “I’m most excited about seeing how we all improve as singers and musicians.”

Alongside Lloyd, Lane was also a member of the ensemble in “The Addams Family”. She also played Ladybug in “Cinderella Caterpillar” and Nanny Claus in “Mother Elf” at South Park Theater. She also is an ambassador at South Park Theater.

Lane also had the opportunity to demonstrate her artistic skills with the creation of signs used in a scene in Edward’s hometown, Ashton. She said: “Making the signs has been so much fun. Reese and I have been having an amazing time drawing and painting them, and it’s made us both really excited to see them in the show.”

Lane, Michaels, and Schmidt are all in the Sophomore Treble Choir.

Michaels has performed in “Peter Pan Jr.” as Nana and Brave Girl and “Annie Jr.” as Tessie and Star-to-be at IMS. She also was in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” at BPHS. At Accent Music Academy, she played Maleficent in “Descendants”.

She is most excited to meet and connect with people in the cast as well as putting together an awesome show.

Last, but certainly not least, Schmidt was previously seen in “Peter Pan Jr.” as Twin 2 and “Annie Jr.” as Duff. She was also in the ensemble of “The Addams Family” last spring.

Her favorite part of doing the musicals is getting the chance to perform for her friends and family.

All four of the Alabama Lambs are jumping for joy that they get to play this role.

Meet Dr. Bennett

Doctor Bennett is the physician of Edward Bloom. 

“Dr. Bennett is a pragmatic and no-nonsense medical professional who interacts with both Edward and his son, Will. My favorite part about this character is how down-to-earth and direct she is. She is very warm and kind towards Edward and his family but also isn’t trying to “sugar-coat” what Edward is going through,” Carly Dowell said.

“Although she has become more of a friend to the Blooms than a doctor, she is still very professional and keeps Edward’s diagnosis to the point. My favorite thing about the character is the genuine care she has for Edward, Sandra, and Will, even going so far as to show up at Will’s wedding,” Soph Willis said.

Doctor Bennett will be played by junior Carly Dowell in the opening cast and by freshman Soph Willis in the closing cast.

Prior to portraying the role of Doctor Bennett, Dowel has an extensive theater resume. She played Grandma Addams in “The Addams Family” at BPHS last spring as well as being in the ensemble of “Cinderella”. In addition to performing at BPHS, she also played Smee in “Peter Pan” at IMS was in the ensembles of “La Boheme” and “Magic Flute” with the Pittsburgh Opera.

“I have been in 2 shows here at the high school. I will say that last year’s show had to be my favorite though. Being able to play such a fun and crazy character was something very new and challenging for me but also so rewarding. Also becoming so close with everyone in the cast and crew has made my experience so much better than I ever thought possible,” Dowell said when asked about her favorite memory from a BPHS musical.

Dowell is also a member of the Concert Band and Marching Band. Outside of the music department, she is the 2025 Ways and Means class president at BPHS.

Willis also has an extensive theater background as she played Kate McLinden in “The Second Star” at BPHS,  Ms. Hannigan in “Annie Jr.” at IMS, Vlad Dracul in “Transyl-Mania!” at South Park Theater, and The Masked Maven/Princess Talia in “The Epic Quest of the Damsels in Distress” at South Park Theater.

In addition to her work on the stage, Willis is a member of BPHS’s String Orchestra and Freshman Treble Choir.

“So far, I’ve only performed in one show at BPHS, which was “The Second Star”. While getting to play such a complex and layered character was fun, the best part was the people I got to work with. Everyone I met was super accepting, kind, and honestly hilarious – it really felt like a family,” Willis said.

Dowell and Willis can’t wait to take the stage as Doctor Bennett.

Meet Sandra Bloom

Sandra Bloom is the wife of Edward and the mother of Will. 

Sandra will be played by junior Maria Catana in the opening cast and senior Clara McGough in the closing cast.

“Sandra is a loving mother and a loving wife. Often the mediator between Edward and Will, she wants nothing more than for the two of them to look past themselves for a moment and realize how similar they are and how much there is to love about the other. She is always the object of Edward’s fantasy stories and is perfect in his eyes. She is a beautiful character, inside and out,” McGough said.

This is Catana’s first role in a musical, yet she has immense experience in other parts of the music world. She is a member of Concert Choir, Top 21, Symphonic Band, and Marching Band. She also has participated in PMEA District and Region Choirs in both her sophomore and junior years. Catana will advance to PMEA All-State choir this April. Along with PMEA choirs, she is also a member of the Junior Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh.

When asked why people should attend the musical, Catana said, “Any live performance is an expression of the human soul.”

In her four years at BPHS, McGough has performed as Morticia in “The Addams Family”, Cinderella in “Cinderella”, and Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre in “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”. At IMS, she played Mary Poppins in “Mary Poppins Jr.” and Sandy in “Grease Jr.”. When McGough was a child she played Young Fiona in “Shrek”, and Young Maria in “West Side Story”.

Her favorite roles outside of BPHS were Elsa in “Frozen”, Hodel in “Fiddler on the Roof”, and Lee Bouvier in “Grey Gardens”.

Along with being an active participant in BPHS musicals, McGough is a member of Top 21, Concert Choir, and Chamber Orchestra. McGough has also participated in PMEA ensembles. 

When asked what her favorite part of portraying the role of Sandra is, she said: “My favorite part, and a reason why this story is extra fascinating, is that you get to watch Sandra in different timelines. She goes from being a young teen, naive and in love, to a dedicated and supportive mother who has more strength than anyone could ever know. Getting to watch her grow as a character is fascinating. She faces joy, love, and hardship, and she manages to be so human – even while being shown through Edward’s perception of her perfection. I love her for it.”


Both Catana and McGough are ecstatic to be performing as Sandra.