The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

Nathan Yoder

Nathan Yoder, Staff Writer

Nathan Yoder is a junior here at BPHS. He plans on attending college to study gender studies; he wants to study this because it is something that he is very passionate about. He does have a backup plan if it falls through; he would go work on a farm with his Amish family members to provide for his family.

Nate is on the varsity lacrosse team, for which he has a lot of love. His position is defense. He also plays basketball in his pastime; in fact, he and Mr. Travis have rivaled in the past and plan on playing again sometime this year.

Nate decided to take Journalism class because a lot of his friends decided to and he thought it would be a lot of fun to write stories about things happening around the nest. He also really enjoys the teacher, the man, the myth, MR. ALLEMANG!!

Nate is very passionate about sports such as basketball and football, so he plans on writing a lot of sports-based articles.

Nate is a very classy man. In his eyes, a perfect date would be a nice dinner date and then going to a field and watching the sunset and the stars.


Written by: Michael Dudjak, Staff Writer

All content by Nathan Yoder