What to look forward to in the new year at BPHS

Evan Manion

This sign reminds student-athletes to give it their best every day, in the classroom and on the court, field, etc.

Alex Mullen, Editor-in-Chief

Sadly, winter break is over, but being back to school is not the end of the world. With the rest of the school year still in front of all of us, students and faculty alike, there is a lot to look forward to until school is dismissed May 31.

Whether you are waiting to play a spring sport or even just waiting for spring flowers, there are plenty of activities to participate in. Sure, it is January when cold weather makes it seem like nothing is going on, but that’s where you are incorrect.

The boys and girls basketball teams’ seasons are in full swing and go until mid-February. A game is played almost every day of the week. Stay tuned to the kiosks around school and the morning news to know the exact times.

Winter sport athlete and BP boys ice hockey goalie Nick Guimond said: “Getting more of the student body at games would mean a lot. With 13 seniors on our team, having fans for our last year as Black Hawks would be special.”

In the spring, a number of spring sports including baseball, softball,  track and field, boys volleyball, and several others start their seasons.

“Being a senior and playing one last season as a Black Hawk is what I am most excited for this softball season,” said senior outfielder Haley Richert.

Teachers at BPHS also have important things going on after winter. For example, Mr. Lape has big goals this spring and has high hopes to finish the Pittsburgh Marathon, a whopping 26.2 miles.