How to get involved at BPHS

Alex Mullen

Senior Jake Thimons and junior Mark Vighetti want you to get involved at BPHS.

Alex Mullen, Editor-in-chief

Here at BPHS, there is an overwhelming amount of activity that goes on through a seven-hour day. So much, that an everyday student can feel almost entirely out of the loop. That’s why we are here to help to get you involved and active as Black Hawk.

“Join everything you can, whether it’s playing a sport or joining a club. It really helps in making new friends and friends that will last a lifetime,” said junior Ryan Meis.

At BPHS, we have a countless number of sports teams and over 30 clubs that you can join or try out for. Whether it’s playing football for Coach Metheny or joining the Chess Club sponsored by none other than Mr. Vic, the variance is extremely wide and offers each student a unique experience.

“I would definitely recommend joining choir. There are girls choir and concert choir that you can take as a high school class. I have met new people every year I’ve been a part of choir, and it also helped in getting me more involved in the school,” said member of  Top 21, Sarah Pellis.

However, to truly stay up-to-date on recent events or upcoming activities, the best way is to follow your high school newspaper, an award-winning paper that is run by your own student body that delivers every one in the area the latest of news. Make sure to follow Hawk Eye on Instagram and Twitter @hawkeyebphs for mobile updates.