The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

Anna Counihan

Anna Counihan, Staff Writer

“The power to change probability. That way I wouldn’t have ALL the power, but just enough of it,” is what Anna said when asked what superpower she would like to possess. This shows what kind of person Anna Counihan is. She likes to look into the deeper meaning and she tends to look at things in depth before doing them.

If you’re looking for a word to describe Anna, it would be versatile. Anna Counihan is starting her junior year and is involved in many extracurricular activities. 

In the fall, Anna plays golf and softball for her school's varsity teams.

In the spring, she plays softball and frisbee for recreational teams. Anna has been playing softball for ten years and when asked if she would pursue the sport after high school, she said, “I hope to play all of them in the future, but none as a career, just for fun.”

Along with sports, Anna also plays trumpet in the school’s marching band which has led to her developing new friendships. 

“My favorite thing about marching band is the feeling I get when we finish our performance and I look into the stands and see everyone all happy,” she said.

Also, Anna is involved in the stage crew for the spring musical and has been doing that for three years. While doing all of this, Anna still manages to maintain a 3.75 GPA.

When she’s not taking part in these many activities, she can be seen hanging out with her friends, whether that be through sports or just in general. During quarantine, she liked to stay active by going on lots of hikes with her brothers and cousins, going on bike rides, starting to run, and by playing tons of pickup games of hockey, baseball, basketball, and football.

This is her first year writing for the newspaper and when asked what she would hope to contribute to the paper, she said, “I hope to keep the readers entertained and write about the topics I know they’d want to hear. There’s no point wasting my time writing unimportant things.”

Anna signed up for Journalism to see if the class would spark her interest and hopes to get a future career in journalism.

Anna likes to keep herself busy, and when she’s not playing softball, frisbee, or golf, or when she is not playing the trumpet with her marching band friends or not preparing a beautiful stage for the spring musical, she will be writing fantastic, informative articles for her school’s newspaper.


Written by: Meghan Krapp, Staf Writer

All content by Anna Counihan