Bethel’s own embraces the clothing hustle

Alex Mullen, Staff-Writer

Jared Zych poses in his NOLAC clothing. Photo courtesy of nolacnation via Instagram

“No One Likes a Camper” might come to your mind when thinking of NOLAC owner Jared Zych. A 2007 graduate of BPHS, Zych left BP with an attitude to “Never Camp” and to never give up on his dreams.

Growing up, Zych would sketch his favorite shoes, and after he finished, he sent designs of the shoes and ideas to huge brand companies like Nike, Air Jordan, and Adidas. 

 Little did he know that his shoe obsession and collection would eventually pay for the start of NOLAC Nation. Zych sold mostly all the shoes he had obtained and even sold his car. He went all in for his dream and he never looked back. 

NOLAC took off. Zych got support from several Pittsburgh home-town boys. Hip-Hop recording artists Wiz Khalifa and Chevy Woods backed the movement and wore NOLAC gear while on tour all around the country. Next thing Zych knew, Antonio Brown (Steelers Wide-Out), Giannis Antetokounmpo (NBA All-star), Cody Garbrandt (UFC Champion), and several other public figures supported NOLAC and its meaning.

Jared Zychs shoe business plan submitted to The Shoe Shack. Photo courtesy of Allison Halfhill via

Today, NOLAC Nation has made its way to a total of 42 countries. Zych still follows the same dream that he started with, and he hopes that his clothing and its purpose can push others to do the same.

Shop for NOLAC apparel at

Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown sports a NOLAC hoodie. Photo courtesy of nolacnation via Instagram


Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwauke Bucks of the NBA proudly wears his NOLAC hoodie. Photo courtesy of nolacnation via Instagram.