Regan’s Previews: ‘The Girl on the Train’

Universal Pictures

The Girl on the Train hits theaters Friday, Oct. 7.

Regan Gray, Staff Writer

Most students spend their Friday going to the mall, hanging out with friends, or going to a football game.  However, this weekend is a great weekend for a movie night.  Coming out on Friday, Oct.7 is The Girl on the Train.

The Girl on the Train is a thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Based on Paula Hawkins’ New York Times BestsellerThe Girl on the Train is considered to be this year’s Gone Girl.

The Girl on the Train is about a woman named Rachel who is emotionally recovering from her devastating divorce.  Every day on her morning commute, Rachel spends her time daydreaming about a seemingly perfect couple that she sees when her train passes their house.  Then one day, Rachel sees something deeply disturbing and becomes entangled in a mystery she had no idea she was a part of.

If you aren’t sold on the plot, the cast may be another reason to go.  Some of the cast members include Emily Blunt who plays Rachel, Haley Bennett, Allison Janney, Justin Thoreux, and Rebecca Ferguson.  The director is Tate Taylor who is best known for directing The Help and Get on Up.  The film is rated R.

If you need something to do this weekend, The Girl on the Train, is a great option that will keep you guessing until the very end.