Win Hawk Hunt, be Dr. J for a day


Hawk Eye Staff

2018 grad Ty Miller works at Dr. J’s desk. Ty won Hawk Hunk and got to be Dr. J for a day.

SGA’s annual Hawk Hunt is to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 20 this year and the prize is a big one.

Hawk Hunt is an annual activity BPHS hosts that consists of researching and answering clues about the school or other topics.

Some previous clues have included: How many high schools has BPHS had? and How many principals have there been?

The first clue is emailed to you, then you must scour the school for other teachers and classrooms that have the clues.

To get the next clue, you must answer the previous clue correctly.

The first person to get all the clues answered wins, and they become Dr. J for a day.

Last year’s winner was 2018 grad Ty Miller.