Sony gets attacked… again

In mid-December, Sony was attacked by The Guardians of Peace, who threatened a “9-11 style attack” if the movie The Interview was shown. All five major movie theater chains refused to show the movie, and it was scrapped. After that, Sony changed its mind, and showed the movie in independent movies theaters that would show it. Now, Sony has a new problem.

Kids were give an unexpected on Christmas when when they tried to play on their Xbox and Playstation devices. The online databases for these consoles, Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, have been listed as offline and cannot be connected even if there is internet.

Lizard Squad is taking credit for causing the distributed denial of service (DDos). The group also said in August that it caused the attacks on PlayStation Network and two online games: “League of Legends” and “World of Warcraft.”

Many think Microsoft’s Xbox was included in the attack because you are able to see “The Interview” on Xbox Live. In addition, PlayStation is owned by Sony, who made the controversial movie.