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The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

The student news of Bethel Park High School.

Hawk Eye

World Wednesday: Gypsy Rose Blanchard is now free

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was sentenced to 10 years for murdering her mother, was recently released from prison on good behavior. Photo credit: Ryan McGrady (Creative Commons license)

In recent world news, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is a free woman.

Gypsy is one of the world’s most famous victims of the awful mental health disorder Munchausen syndrome by proxy disorder.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy disorder is a form of child abuse, where the caretaker of a child makes up or harms the child into having symptoms of serious illnesses.

Gypsy’s mother Dee Dee Blanchard had been living with this serious illness. She was telling people as well as doctors that Gyspy had Leukemia, muscular dystrophy, and other serious medical problems.

Dee Dee thrived off of the amount of praise she was getting. She was being called a wonderful mother. 

Dee Dee and Gyspy were getting donations, a trip to Disney World, and the chance to meet Miridana Lambert. 

Slowly, Gypsy realized how she could walk. She started to question her mom and question her entire life. 

Gypsy, who had met her boyfriend at the time online, had convinced him to carry out the murder of her mother.

Nicholas Godejohn was his name.

He was so set on carrying out this murder because he thought it was the only way Gyspy and him would be able to be together.

After it was done the pair ran away but did not make it far because the police found them after they posted a Facebook post.

Godejohn got life in prison, while Gyspy got 10 years.

However recently, Gyspy got released on good behavior.

She is loving her new life, with her husband Ryan Anderson, who is a school teacher.

Gypsy has taken over the media and is hoping to share her truth with everyone.

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About the Contributor
Camryn Priddy
Camryn Priddy, Features Editor
Camryn Priddy is heading into her senior year with a positive attitude and bright outlook. She is most excited to see in her classes and in the halls her friends whom she missed over the summer. Also, she is stoked to take on the football field as a Bethette in Squad 1. So make sure to keep an eye out for her glowing smile on the field! Her future plans include going to either Slippery Rock or IUP for early education and special education as a dual major, which should be a piece of cake as she retains a 3.5 GPA!  She is also super excited to dive into her extracurriculars again this year, including yearbook, newspaper, literary magazine, and Bethettes. You may also see her keeping busy at her job as a hostess, server, or takeout person at Eat N’ Park. When asked why she decided to work there, she responded, “My two friends already worked there, and also I really needed a job.” When questioned about who keeps her motivated in her busy day-to-day life, she replied, “My mom. She has a lot of confidence and really taught me to be proud of myself.” Which shows just how much she values her family. While getting to know Camryn, you can tell that she brings warmth with her whether it's in her laugh or just the joy in her voice while she talks. When asked what her favorite thing about herself was, she replied, “My hair, because I take good care of it!” If you are ever having a bad day, talk to Camryn; it can be guaranteed that she will brighten up your day just by talking to her.   Written by: Alea Taylor, Staff Writer

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