BP named one of best communities to learn music in US

Good news for BP music fans.

Bethel Park was named one of the best communities in the nation for music education by the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation. Bethel Park was one of 376 school districts to get this award.

“Our schools provide extraordinary curriculum for general, vocal and instrumental music. We employ the finest music education teachers in the region, and we have amazing student musicians,”  Nancy Rose, superintendent of Bethel Park School District, said.

School districts must answer questions on a survey with specific details. These questions include topics on music class participation, funding, music program support, and other various topics.

This award also congratulates school districts for making sure that music is integrated into the school curriculum. In addition, the award helps fuel support for music programs that aren’t as good as others. This year, at least 2,000 schools turned in an application for the award, an outstanding number.

Ms. Rose explained that music is very important in our lives.

“Music touches the heart and soul, and provides a creative outlet that speaks to all of us. There are many studies that all demonstrate that the study of music improves school performance in other academic areas, as well,” Rose said.

Mr. Petrossi, Independence Middle school and BPHS Marching Band conductor, added: “The study of music provides many facets of knowledge and levels of appreciation, which stimulates self-control, individual expression, self discipline and an appreciation for the arts and diverse cultural experiences.”

I also reached out to Mr. Derby, BPHS band director, Mr. Thompson, BPHS and marching band director, Ms. Glover, BPHS and Independence Middle School orchestra director, and Mr. Kuczawa, BPHS chorus director, but they were unavailable for comment.

Music is very important, and this award gives even more proof that the Bethel Park School District supplies the wonderful opportunity to help us learn and enjoy it.