Registration for the AP Exams begins now
Students planning to take any AP Exams can register in the Counseling Office from Monday, Feb. 27 through Friday, March 10.
The cost of each AP Exam is $93 and is due at the time of registration. Checks must be made payable to the “Bethel Park Activities Fund.”
At the time of registration, students will be asked to complete a checklist and sign off on a registration verification. This form will immediately be copied and given to the student as a receipt as well as a reminder of their exam date and time.
Students enrolled in AP classes should consult with their teachers to discuss the AP Exams.
Late testing will only be permitted for tests on May 1st for students on the spring music trip. A fee of $45 will be added to the testing fee for any students requesting a late test. The late testing option will only be available for the AP Chemistry and Psychology exams.
Please refer to the AP Bulletin for test dates, times, exam fee explanations, or additional information. AP Bulletins are available in the Counseling Office, above the main gym.

BPHS senior Greydon Tomkowitz is the current Editor-In-Chief of Hawk Eye, a position he has served in for three years.
Greydon joined the newspaper...
Rachel • Mar 1, 2017 at 12:13 pm
AP is a great test to take – why don’t you try a CLEP test in the same subject? If you pass both you’ll get double the credit!