Preschool class trick-or-treats in the high school

High School early learning center students lead their preschool class through the first and second floors on Oct. 29 to trick or treat at several classrooms. The early learning center is both a benefit to the community and a vocational program offered at the high school. BPHS students can work in the program for up to three years to study child growth and development.

The preschoolers enrolled in the early learning program walked the halls of the high school in their Halloween costumes to go trick-or-treating at several classrooms on the first and second floors during periods 4 and 8. The high school students who assist in the program guided their groups throughout the high school so that the children could show off their costumes and receive a healthy treat as well.

Among the treats that the students could receive were: 100% small sized juice boxes, pretzels, popcorn, and a low fat granola bar. All of these treats were chosen in accordance with the district health codes. Or the children received a toy of some sort: stickers, slime, spiders, bats, pencils, or pumpkin glasses.

The Early Learning Center (ELC) is a “Laboratory Preschool” with the high school students planning and teaching lessons for the class under the direction of teacher supervisors. For the preschoolers, the class is a fun and educational time that allows them to make new friends. But for the high school students assisting in the teaching, it is a valuable opportunity to learn about early development in children.

The Early Learning Center has two sessions a year, one in the fall and one in the spring, for children ages 3 and 4 years old. Their classes run several days a week with both a morning and afternoon session for the preschoolers to attend.