Haley Radcliffe, Staff Writer
Haley Radcliffe: a gal that loves a good knock knock joke. You might know her as that blondie in the hall, but she is so much more than that.
Haley is 15 years young and a sophomore here at BPHS. She’s that “average and generic” girl that goes unnoticed. Haley will accept nothing but the best; she strives for excellence in every category. “Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when they’re footprints on the moon” is a quote she lives by.
She also enjoys other things. She’s not just that book worm or running geek. In her free time, Haley enjoys gardening, cat fishing, and just making a friend or two.
“When my father tells me we’re going fishing I am overcome with excitement and I get in a tizzy.” Haley said she’s “swift and suave” during a cross country race. She says, “I give 110% into every practice, you gotta train insane or stay the same.”
Haley says her biggest weakness is she can’t reach. “I get bullied about my height a lot,” she said.
Haley said the best thing about her is shes really confident. “I don’t let anything get me down, I always have a trick up my sleeve, ” she said.
Haley also dabbles in the world of baking. “When my grandma comes over, we always make dirt. It’s kinda our thing.”
Finally, she filled me in on a few fun facts about herself. Haley loves pears, ladybugs, and having a good time.
Written by : Kara Brunner, Staff Writer