Student of the Week: Nick Guimond


Alex Mullen

IN THE SPIRIT OF KEVIN BACON IN FOOTLOOSE, Nick Guimond trains for his spring sports challenge

Name? Nick Guimond

Grade? 12

Favorite teacher? class? Mrs. Gentile/ US History 2

Favorite color?  Purple

Favorite season?  Spooky Season

Zodiac sign? Aries

Favorite TV show and/or movie? Jaws

School activities you participate in?  Hockey, SGA Senator

What’s your favorite song? Digital Love

Any good advice to underclassmen?  Take your classes seriously, and it’ll pay off.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote?  “The roof is not my son, but I will raise it” – Nick Guimond

Favorite restaurant?  Mad Mex

Have any hobbies?  Nope

Favorite place you’ve traveled to?  London

What’s your favorite animal?  Giraffe 

What are your plans for the future?  Study engineering  

Afraid of anything? Spiders

Favorite scent?  Coconut

A place you’d someday like to visit? Tokyo