Star lax player talks about the game

When talking hard hitting sports, one tends to think football, wrestling, or even rugby. But one that people don’t think about is lacrosse, which might be one of the brutalist games out there.

The boys’ lacrosse team is full of hopeful players who feel like their team is ready to take it to the next level. The team is headlined by a lot of young stars, most notably junior Gavin Campbell, who is doing big things for the team and is one of the leaders in his junior year.

When he picked up a stick in 6th grade, he didn’t know much, which made him a little hesitant, but with the persuasion of his friends he decided to join.

Throughout middle school, he improved his game, thanks to the fact that he played club lacrosse.

This talent accumulated to playing on varsity in his freshman year. He hasn’t looked back since.

When asked what are his goals for the season, Campbell said, “Whip Champs. It’s something that is really realistic for us.”

Personally, Campbell hopes to get voted All-Section.

His favorite things about lax include: “The opportunities that it presents to me as a whole, the places I get to go to thanks to travel teams, and my teammates I’m very close to them.”

Campbell said that the game has taught him “How to cooperate with others, chivalry, and how to be a good person.”

Right now, his top choice for school is in Jacksonville, where he would want to continue playing lacrosse and to major in political science.

After college, Campbell plans to start his life as a politician. He may also coach or play in a men’s league, “but nothing too serious,” he said.

When asked what excites him about lax, Campbell said, I just really like the game, it’s honestly a privilege to go out there and play each game.”

As far as his motivation goes, he said, “My teammates, and my love for the game.”

Campbell added that fans are important, and he hopes that everyone will come out to support the lacrosse team.