Faculty Spotlight: Madame Smith

Emma Whalen

Madame Smith is all smiles behind her teachers desk.

Emma Whalen, Staff Writer

Imagine walking into a room with beautiful French cultural items displayed on the shelves, and rays of sunlight highlighting every aspect. This is the room of French teacher Mrs. Smith, or as her students call her, Madame Smith. She’s been teaching French for 31 years and loves every minute of it.

Madame started learning French in  ]7th grade. She wanted to do international business when she was a senior but changed her plans when she was offered a scholarship from her high school. Since gaining her degree, she had been in and out of substitute jobs, until becoming a permanent teacher at IMS for 17 years. She then transferred up to the high school and has been teaching here for 14 years.

Madame originally started teaching at 21 years old and claims it was a lot of fun teaching students only a few years younger than herself.

“It’s like being on a stage, really. It’s anything that you’re worried, or upset about disappears when I am in front of [my students],” Madame said.

Her favorite thing about teaching is seeing her students every day.

Mrs. Smith also says that she taught her own children. She said that she doesn’t think it was easy for them to have their mom teaching, but she was thrilled when she learned her kids wanted to take French.

Madame Smith is a huge family person as well. She said that outside of school, she loves cooking and having big family meals. Along with cooking and family, she loves outdoor activities such as bike riding and kayaking.

Madame adores traveling. She loves whenever she gets to travel with her students to France, but would love to visit other countries. She loves going to French-speaking countries such as Quebec and would love to travel to Martinique, or possibly even live there in her retirement.

She always encourages her students, and will always assist them with pronunciation or spelling to help their learning journey.

Anyone can tell that friends, family, and her students are what is most important to this BPHS French teacher.