World Wednesday: The effects of using a reusable water bottle vs. plastic

Plastic bottles in the back of a pickup truck, ready for recycling

Streetwise Cycle via Wikimedia Commons, cc

Plastic bottles in the back of a pickup truck, ready for recycling

Of course everybody knows that using a reusable water bottle over a plastic throw-away bottle is more environmentally friendly, but is one really aware of just how much of a difference it can make? Especially with the current state of our planet’s excessive waste problem, we need to focus on recycling and reusing energy now more than ever.

The quote, “A little goes a long way,” is certainly applicable when talking about what we can do to help the environment and one way we can do that is through using a reusable water bottle instead of throw-away bottles.

Last year, Americans used over 50 billion plastic throw-away bottles, but only recycled 23% of that waste. That means 38 billion bottles were either thrown in a landfill or ended up on the streets, which ends up hurting the environment even more.

The bottles left in landfills take between eight or nine hundred years to fully decompose and the bottles on the street affect the wildlife due to polluting their ecosystem. Therefore, any bottle that does not get recycled, ends up having an even bigger negative effect on top of the wasted energy used to make the individual bottle.

If every person in the world used a reusable water bottle rather than a throw-away bottle, we could save up to 10.5 tons of plastic waste and reduce the amount of oil and energy put into making them. Also, wildlife would not have to suffer from human disruption with the plastic waste we produce.

In conclusion, something as simple as using a reusable water bottle on a daily basis instead of multiple throw-away bottles can have a major impact on our environment and wildlife for both the present and future.

If we do not take action now, our landfills are going the grow larger and the amount of CO2 waste will continue to pollute our air further.

Reusable bottles can also be personalized for your own style, which can be a fun alternative to using plain plastic bottles, all the while taking a step towards a healthier, happy environment.