Student of the Week: Luke Surunis

Juliana Carbone

CAREFULLY PLACING HIS HELMET ON, senior running back Luke Surunis prepares to enter the game on Friday, Sept. 28 at Moon.

Joey Bova, Deputy Social Media Editor, Deputy Video Editor

Name? Luke Surunis

Grade? 12

Favorite teacher? class? Mr. Bouch/Honors American Government

Favorite color?  Yellow

Favorite season?  Fall

Zodiac sign? Virgo

Favorite TV show and/or movie? Shameless

School activities you participate in? Football, Newspaper, Track and Field

What’s your favorite song? Flagpole Sitta

Any good advice to underclassmen?  Be open to new opportunities that you wouldn’t have taken advantage of before.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote?  “Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R Tolkien

Favorite restaurant? Vincent’s Pizza

Have any hobbies?  Hunting, occasionally playing football

Favorite place you’ve traveled to? New Mexico

What’s your favorite animal?  Grizzly Bear

What are your plans for the future? Attend a four year school, and major in special education

Have any special talents?  Able to Jet ski standing up

Afraid of anything? Drowning, and Kidnappers

Favorite scent? Black Ice Car Freshener Scent 

A place you’d someday like to visit? Montana