Happening now at BPHS
The BPHS campus is seen through the letters BPHS on the gate that marks the transition from Broad St. to Black Hawk Dr.
November 21, 2022
Much is happening BPHS. The fall play “The Last Christmas Radio Show” written and directed by English teacher Mrs. Williams just wrapped up, and BPHS is still basking in the glory of winning a Nation Blue Ribbon Award.
The Class of ’24 recently sold cookie grams for $2. You could buy them during their lunch periods and send them to a friend before the Thanksgiving break.
Three students were featured on Hometown High-Q on KDKA-TV at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 19, and will be featured again at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26. The students who are competing are Jesse Lester, Jeon Varghese, and Grace Skalniak. Their opponents for the first round are Connellsville Area and Homer-Center.
Fall break is coming up! Fall break will be from November 24-28. Classes will resume on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
DECA & FCCLA are holding their annual Santa Breakfast! This event will take place on Dec. 10 from 9-11:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. The price of the tickets is $10 per person. Children that are 2 and under are free. Some of the activities include crafts, games, breakfast, cookie decorating, and pictures with Santa. There is a Google form to fill out to reserve a spot for this event or you can email DECA sponsor, Mrs. Smoller, at smoller.emily@bphawks.org