Athlete Spotlight: Lucia Coccagno

Paul Studt

Lucia Coccagno carries the ball in the Lady Hawks’ game vs. Baldwin on May 6, 2019.

Number 21 on the volleyball court and 14 on the lacrosse field, BPHS senior Lucia Coccagno is a person no one can forget.

The girls volleyball and lacrosse team captain has a way of making a positive impact on anyone she meets, whether it be on the volleyball court, the lacrosse field, or just in her everyday life.

Coccagno has been playing volleyball for eight years and lacrosse for nine. She is a setter on her volleyball team and plays attack for her lacrosse team.

She plays for Sky Elite Volleyball Club in the winter and spring.

After high school, Lucia plans on going to a big university and playing club for both volleyball and lacrosse.

Lucia has been the girls volleyball team captain for two years and the girls lacrosse team captain for three years.

When asked what being the girls lacrosse captain meant to her, she responded: “It is really an honor to be serving as a varsity captain for the third year. I love being able to lead the team in both practice and games and get everyone comfortable with each other. This season not only will I lead my team by example, but I will also be very vocal on and off the field.”

“Lucia is a very talented athlete: she has size, skill, and stamina,” said girls lacrosse head coach Becky Luzier. “But what makes her truly great on the field and on this team isn’t just what she contributes to the scoreboard. She is a passionate and conscientious leader who takes her position as Senior Captain very seriously and lifts up everyone around her. In a perfect world, captains are extensions of the coaching staff and Lucia is every bit that with her knowledge of our systems and her ability to direct and manage her teammates.”

When asked who inspires her to work hard in her sports, Coccagno said, “My dad because I can see how hard he works in his career, so he motivates me to do my best.”

The song that gets Coccagno hyped up for a game is Role Modelz by J. Cole.

Lucia’s greatest accomplishment is earning player of the week this year for volleyball.

Along with excelling on the volleyball court and lacrosse field, Lucia also transcends in the classroom.

Amongst being able to maintain a 4.4 GPA, Lucia is also a part of student government, DECA, homecoming committee, and TLC.

Coccagno is still undecided about what college she is attending in the fall, but she plans on going to college for international business with a minor in German. 

Her hobbies include working out, napping, tanning, and hanging with friends.

Her not-so-secret talent is that she is very loud.

If Lucia could have any superpower it would be to read minds, and if she could have three wishes from a genie they would be eternal life, $1 million, and a huge mansion.

If Coccagno could travel anywhere in the world she would go to Italy.

“For my senior year, I want to finish the year strong with a good last lacrosse season,” said Lucia. “I would like to decide on a school, find a roommate, and enjoy my last summer before college with my friends and family.”