This year, BPHS is hosting our very own Polar Plunge, the Special Olympics Polar Bear One.
The Polar Plunge, hosted by the Best Buddies club, is a fundraiser for the Special Olympics of Pennsylvania. Their goal is to raise $10,000.
Last year, the Polar Plunge raised $3,500 for the Special Olympics. Their goal was $2,500, hopefully they can raise more money than their goal again!
Students and staff can both help fundraise by raising at least $40. When you raise $40, you will be able to plunge into cold waters and get an official Polar Plunge shirt.
You can sign up and help fundraise by scanning the QR code on Page 2 of the weekly bulletin for the week of January 13.
This may be the only time this type of fundraiser may be offered at BPHS.
Speaking of the Special Olympics of Pennsylvania, Bethel Park has our very own Special Olympics team, which is a unified bocce team!
The bocce team recently just played a game this Monday against Chartiers Valley at home. Bethel won 3-1.
The event is on Friday, Jan. 31 from 9 a.m.- noon. Be sure to show up to support our school and help fundraise!