New marching band student leaders named

BP Music Boosters

Lacie Scheidler, Amber Kuss, and Meghan DeHaven are all smiles at the marching band banquet. Meghan DeHaven and Lacie Scheidler were selected to be the head Bethettes for the 2023-2024 marching band season. The two girls will proudly lead the band, alongside Amber Kuss, the head majorette. 

In recent news, the students who participate in the marching band got the chance to audition to be student leaders. 

Meghan DeHaven and Lacie Scheidler were selected to be the head Bethettes for the 2023-2024 marching band season. The two girls will proudly lead the band, alongside Amber Kuss, the head majorette. 

I went to band buddy day with my older sister Kalie who was a Bethette and that’s when I knew I wanted to start baton twirling,” Kuss said. “From the time I was 9 and first started, I knew I wanted to become head majorette when I was in high school.”

When asked why she wanted to be head majorette, she said, “I am so excited for this upcoming season and to choreograph routines and be a leader for the marching band.”

Future west side head, Meghan DeHaven has worked very hard for this role.

“Bethettes means a lot to me, as I’ve been a Bethette for two years, and my mom was a Bethette,” DeHaven said. “I have wanted to try out for head Bethette since my first year because I love being a leader, and I love choreographing dances, so I am excited to be one of the head Bethettes next year.”

Lacie, who will be leading the east side Bethettes down the field is beyond ecstatic for her senior year.

I’m so excited about being head Bethette because it is something I have wanted for a long time now. And I’m very excited to make routines and be a leader in the band,” she said.

Head Bethettes and the head majorette have a very important role in the marching band. All the dances performed by the Bethettes and majorettes are created by the heads. They create every halftime show routine, as well as creating a longer trip routine.

Currently, Aubrey Manion and Nora Bell are head Bethettes. 

I’ve loved getting to see all of the routines come together and getting to know and work with all of the girls! Manion said when asked about how her experience was with Bethettes. “Being head Bethette has taught me a lot about leadership, organization, and working with a team, and I’m so glad I had this opportunity.”

Nora said, “I’m so thankful for the opportunity to lead such a wonderful group of girls. I’ve loved working with each one of them and I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

To become head Bethette or majorette, each girl must create their own routine, as well as charting for the routine. Additionally, they have an interview with the directors. This role is only open for upcoming seniors.

Charting is how each squad moves onto and around the field. In the trip routine, the head Bethettes and majorette create charting for the whole routine.

The Bethettes have eight squads of four girls. The first person in the line is called the squad leader. The girls have to audition for that role as well.

Squad leaders must perform a feature from the previous season, charting, and marching fundamentals.

The 2023-2024 senior squad leaders are Arabella Cicero, Bella Stasik, Delaney Puskas, and Emma Thimons, and the four juniors are Isabella Lybarger, Kalee Moorehead, Lucy Heckla, and Megan Geraud.

Emma Thimons was the squad leader of squad five last season. She will also be a squad leader this coming season.  When asked about her feelings towards next season, Emma said: “As a squad leader last year I got to see how marvelous the moments are from the first days on the turfs to the last seconds on the football field for not only me but others. I can’t wait to experience that again this year!”

There are three majorette squads next season. The three majorette squad leaders are upcoming juniors Alyvia Sohyda, Charlize Donaldson, and Chela Miller.

Alyvia is ready to lead her future squad. She said: “I am so grateful for this opportunity! I’ve worked all my life at this sport and this was a big achievement. If we all strive to give our personal best then together as a team we will improve. I feel my goal for the upcoming season is to inspire my squad to always try their hardest and for me to lead by example.”

Mrs. McAfoos, a teacher at Memorial Elementary School, directs the majorettes. When asked about the next season, she said: “ I’m really excited to be returning as the majorette director.  I’m looking forward to working with all of the returning and incoming Majorettes and Bethettes! I’m also excited to work with Amber as the new head majorette.  She will make a fantastic leader! There are so many wonderful things to look forward to, and I know it’s going to be a great year with lots of exciting things happening!”

Mrs. Doman will be returning to her role as Bethette director. She is extremely dedicated to Bethettes and enjoys watching the band, and her Bethettes grow from season to season.

Doman states: “I am proud beyond words of all these girls. They have been working hard both on and off the field to prepare for their leadership positions. I’m so excited for them as they begin this incredible experience.”

With these new squad leaders, next year’s marching band season promises to be another exciting one.