“Annie Get Your Gun” on stage now
“Annie Get Your Gun” stages March 13-16 at BPHS
March 14, 2019
The BPHS spring musical “Annie Get Your Gun” is underway and continues through Saturday, March 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
“Annie Get Your Gun” is a musical about a sharpshooter Annie who moves West and duels off and on, romantically and professionally, with fellow sharpshooter Frank Butler. The musical presents many ups and downs of their relationship. If you’re planning to see it, you sure will be in for a wild ride.
Viola player Lily Wilson said, “It’s definitely the most different show that I’ve ever played in, but I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”
If you are interested in seeing “Annie Get Your Gun,” tickets can be purchased for $10 dollars at the door.
Senior citizens can purchase half-priced tickets to only the Wednesday and Thursday performances, and students from kindergarten through 4th grade can also purchase half-priced tickets. But, the seats must be obtained at the door of the evening performances.
Break a leg, cast and crew!