Keystones, Chromebooks, and Finals mark the madness of May
Chromebooks should be turned in to Room M429.
May 14, 2018
With the school year coming to a close, Keystones, Chromebook turn in, and finals are just beginning. Here’s a little helpful guide to make these stressful weeks a little easier!
Keystone Exams are currently underway and will continue through May 22. The literature exam is on Monday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 15; the biology exam is on Wednesday, May 16 and Thursday, May 17; and the algebra exam is on Monday, May 21 and Tuesday, May 22.
The schedules for those days are as follows (note that the schedule below has been revised as of 5/15):
Make-up days for Keystones are Friday, May 18 and Wednesday, May 23 thru Friday, May 25.
Chromebook collection begins on Tuesday, May 15 with the senior collection and continues through Wednesday, May 23.
The schedule is as follows:
- Tues. May 15 & Wed. May 16–> Senior Collection
- Wed. May 16 & Fri. May 18–> Sophomore Collection
- Mon. May 21 & Tues. May 22–> Freshman Collection
- Tues. May 22 & Wed. May 23–> Junior Collection
And a detailed look at the schedule with homeroom assignments is as follows (updated 5/18):
If any of the components are missing, the student is responsible for payment. Chromebooks cost $300 and the chargers are $20. Checks should be made payable to “BPSD.”Chromebooks need to be fully charged and turned in with their chargers to Room M429 (across from the LGI Room). The Chromebook and charger must be placed on top of the box. Homeroom teachers should have students’ boxes.
The final exam schedule, which is below, was designed to avoid days with multiple exams for students.