Register for the AP Exams today
February 26, 2018
Registration for the 2018 AP Exams begins Monday, Feb. 26 in the Main Office.
Students looking to register for the exams must see Mrs. Kathy Janosik in the Main Office. Students will need to enter the Main Office and ask to be sent back to see Mrs. Janosik to pick up registration paperwork and also to return registration paperwork/payment.
Each exam has a $94 registration fee that must be paid at the time of registration. Checks should be made out to the “Bethel Park Activities Fund.”
AP Exams will only be given on the National Test Date with the exception of the AP Euro and AP Latin tests, which fall on May 18– the day of prom.
Any student requesting late testing is subject to the College Board’s late testing fee of $45. Students electing the late exam due to prom will register in the shaded box for late testing and will pay $139 for each late exam.
Exam registration will run from Monday, Feb. 26 through Friday, March 9.
Contact the guidance office with any additional questions regarding AP Examinations.