Bathroom embargo comes to an end at BPHS


School board members requested the administration lift the strict bathroom use policy at BPHS during the Feb. 20 board meeting.

The policy prevented students from using the bathrooms in between classes and required students to sign in and out of the bathrooms with teachers and hired security guards.

This strict policy was put in place in Oct. of 2017 following multiple threats written on the walls of the high school bathrooms. These threats resulted in school cancellations and stricter policies throughout the district.

As a result of this policy, students had no choice but to sign out of classes in order to go to the bathroom. Also, several restrooms were closed, requiring students in the music wing and cafeteria to walk much further to use the bathroom than previously.

Administration justifies the policy as a preventative measure against further threats; however, the board believes the policy to be detrimental to learning and unnecessary.

Following the urging of the school board, administration lifted their bathroom embargo on Wednesday, Feb. 21.