5 fun electives to pick at BPHS

Jacob Toth

Students work on their fishing nets.

Jacob Toth, Staff Writer

There are many great electives for students at BPHS. From tech ed to art to family and consumer sciences, there seems to be something for everyone.  Here are five of the many electives students can choose from when creating their class schedules.

1.) Woodshop. This class is taught by Mr. Wells. There are two classes you can take: Introduction to Woodworking and Advanced Woodworking. You get to make really fun projects in this class such as a fishing net, clock, name-plate, and also other things.

Freshman Coby Goelz said, “I enjoyed making the clock and carving the logos into it.”

In response to what is one thing you’ve learned from the class, Goelz said, “How to work with my hands.”

Jacob Toth
Students work on their fishing nets.

2.) Survival in the Kitchen. This is an introduction to cooking class taught by Mrs. Simpson. You get to cook lots of recipes and also learn the basics of nutrition and cooking techniques.

When asked why she took the class, freshman Malea Massaro said, “So I could eat food.”

She especially enjoyed making chicken noodle soup.

When asked what she’s learned from the class, she said, “Life skills, how to cook, etc.”

Senior Kendal Allsopp took the class because “It seemed like a fun class. I like to cook.”

Allsopp learned “Table manners” from the class.

Jacob Toth
Students prepare cupcakes in Survival in the Kitchen class.


3.) Ceramics. This art class taught by Mr. Hooton is for people that are interested in making pottery. You learn how to wheel throw and how to work with clay. The most fun part is making a box out of clay!

When asked why she took the class, freshman Kelsey Heeter said, “I really wanted to work on the pottery wheel.”

This class taught her to be patient and her favorite thing has been “the ceramics squad.”

Freshman Hannah Luntz took the class because she enjoys making useful stuff that she can take home with her.

This class taught her to multitask.

Jacob Toth
Students work with clay in Ceramics class.



4.) Study hall. While not an actual class, you really do need some kind of study hall as it gives you time to do your homework in school so you have free time at home. Study hall is either in the cafe or a classroom.

Jacob Toth
Students hard at work during study hall in the cafe.


5.) Journalism. This class is taught by Mr. Allemang. This class teaches you how to write news, features, sports, and opinion stories. If you want to be a journalist or just want to learn more about what news people do, this class is good for you then.

Senior Joey Bova said, “I really appreciate Mr. Allemang and what he does for the journalism community.”

Bova has learned “how to better write articles.”

Senior Ryan Meis took the class because “I wanted to put my spin on the newspaper.”

He enjoys “being able to write about stories that I’m interested in.”

When asked what he’s learned, Meis said, “Stick to the facts. If you don’t have the facts, don’t write it.”

Jacob Toth
Ryan Meis interviews Tommy “Bones” DiRienzo for this season’s fourth episode of “4 Floors.”