18 Tip-Top Things that Turn 100 in 2018
January 11, 2018
Throughout time, there have been certain products, inventions, etc. that have helped to shape society in one way or another. Whether it be color television, the airplane, or even sliced bread, there are thousands of creations that have quite successfully made their mark on the world. And, being that 2018 has just begun, one might wonder, “What are some things that turn 100 this year?” So, here it is: the a list of 18 tip-top things that become centennial in 2018…
- Velveeta cheese
- Dickies clothing brand
- Fortune cookies
- Grocery bags with handles
- French Dip Sandwich
- Superheterodyne Radio Circuit
- Daylight Savings Time
- Raggedy Ann dolls
- The discovery of Nova Aquila, a binary system star
- The discovery of Influenza
- The National Contract Management Association (NCMA)
- The launching of the S.S. Faith in Oakland, California
- The opening of hotel Gellert in Budapest, Hungary
- The Brazil Dolphin was discovered
- The electronic flip-flop, a circuit storage device
- The Bond, a film silent directed by Charlie Chaplin
- The release of Out of the Inkwell, a silent animated series
- A war-era love song called “Till We Meet Again”