Mingo star party 2017
December 7, 2016
If you’re looking for a great place to have fun and relax with your whole family in the outdoors, look no further than Mingo County Park located in the woods of Finleyville, PA.
Mingo consists of a paved walking/biking trial, bridges, playgrounds, horse trails, a dog park, beautiful scenery, and there is even an observatory.
This observatory is owned and run by the AAAP (Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh) and it is the largest amateur astronomical observatory in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
In the spring and summer months of the year, Mingo’s observatory opens for everyone to visit which is called a Star Party.
This observatory consists of two large telescopes. Each is located and aimed at a different star in the sky. And sometimes there is a variety of telescopes spread throughout the hillside for people’s viewing pleasures.
If you are ever interested in viewing different types of stars, head on over to the Mingo County Parrk Observatory in Finleyville, PA for a star party.
To find out when you can visit the observatory, check out the observatory’s website.