Games you can play alone in quarantine

Erin Dublin, Editor-in-Chief

It’s always nice to sit down and play a game with friends when trapped in the house. But sometimes it might be better to play a game by yourself for a little bit. There is always an abundance of one-player games. Here are five worth trying.

  1. “Slime Rancher”– “Slime Rancher” is one of my top favorite games to play alone. It’s calming with some stressful elements scattered throughout. You play as character Beatrix LeBeau on the Far Far Range as a farmer of adorable little slimes.
  2. “Kingdom Hearts”– “Kingdom Hearts” is a well-known game franchise based on “Final Fantasy.” But unlike “Final Fantasy,” this game has some fun characters in it that almost anyone can recognize. “Kingdom Hearts” uses Disney characters as companions and even villains you need to fight and help to get through the game. There are several versions of “Kingdom Hearts,” but it’s not hard to get into if you’re not starting with the first.
  3. “Fortnite” (“Save the World”)– If you want to play “Fortnite” but you don’t want to deal with all those sweaty players, “Save the World” is a good alternative. In “Save the World,” you chose a character you want to use along with some weapons that will help you. Then you go on different tasks to help defeat the husks and save people stuck out in the storm. Then after if you want to go back into Battle Royal, it’s a click away, and if your lucky, you might even get some free things unlocked in your Battle Royal game.
  4. “Minecraft”– This game can be played with friends or alone and it’s fun both ways. Everyone loves a good game of “Minecraft,” from being in creative building humungous buildings to being in survival and defeating the ender dragon, you can never go wrong with “Minecraft.”
  5. Namco games– You may be used to playing all of the newest games, but there’s nothing wrong with playing something old school. Namco games have some great games to play like “Pac Man,” “Galaga,” and many others. And they’re available on console so you can play anytime.