Molly’s Musings- Blocked Websites


You know, sometimes I really need to get on YouTube to find a video on a topic we’re discussing in Journalism, or to add music to a video we’re currently editing, but it’s really hard when the school blocks YouTube from the WiFi, and for those of us who are out of cellular data, it’s even worse.

I mean, I can understand YouTube to a certain extent, but Twitter, Vine, and Pinterest? Even the Snake game is blocked! But why? Some of these websites could be educational, such as YouTube for videos about Biology, or examples of different Artists, etc. But what did the game Snake do to you to offend you so much that it has to be blocked?

Twitter, on the other hand, can be used for school-wide activities, or classes, such as Journalism, where we tweet about the everyday happenings in or around BPHS. Snapchat could be useful for this purpose as well, if we got special permission.

All I’m saying is that it’s kind of annoying that almost every website except Google is blocked, and someone should hop right on unblocking at least some of these very useful sites.