Pittsburgh’s delicious and notable food trucks
Food trucks like this taco truck in West Downtown, St. Louis, Missouri are showing up in Pittsburgh.
November 1, 2017
Food trucks have been grabbing lots of attention ever since Food Network debuted shows called “The Amazing Food Truck Race” and even “Food Truck Face Off.”
And ever since then, food trucks have been popping up all over the United States.
Now, food trucks are most commonly known for traveling around, city to city, and coming back to a spot once a year or so for festivals of sorts.
That is not the case for lots of food trucks in and around the Pittsburgh area.
Downtown there are many trucks that set up on metered spaces, stay there for four-hour increments, then move on to the next open location.
But not all are that easy to find. Some just appear at special events or festivals around town.
But if you have Twitter or Facebook, no need to fret.
All you need to do is have notifications on and be prepared for the truck to post it’s current location and menu of that day.
To make that easier for you, here is a short list of Pittsburgh’s top food trucks social media pages:
PGH Taco Truck:@pghtacotruck
South Side BBQ Company:@Southsidebbqco
PGH Pierogi Truck: @PGHPierogiTruck
Gryos N’at: @Gyros_N_at
Happy dining!