10 things I learned in high school

Photo credit: Alex Mullen

A view of the front of Bethel Park High School through the Tennis Court fence.

Morgan McGrath, Staff Writer

“High school will be the best four years of your life,” people used to tell me.

I can see where they’re coming from, but I don’t completely agree.

Rather, I believe high school to be an experience of ups and downs, lefts and rights, and of everything in between.

This being said, here are 10 things I learned in high school… (the list could go on and on)

1. Smile! Even if you’re not feeling friendly, a warm look can go a long way (for you and/or someone else).

2. Don’t be afraid to do what you love! Furthermore, don’t feel offended if you’re judged for your passions, and don’t judge others for theirs. What you do is up to you!

3. Speak up! I spent way too long being afraid to be myself. The truth is, though, that people can’t get to know you unless you make yourself known to them.

4. Be proud of being unique! It’s what makes you you.

5. Pay attention in class! After all, you’re in school to learn! Take advantage of the knowledge you’re given and make it worth your while.

6. Don’t be afraid to take risks! If you don’t, you might end up missing out on a sliver of smiles.

7. Be kind to everyone as much as you can! Because, after all, you probably don’t want to be remembered for rudeness. Not only that, but one kind act leads to others, and you’ll probably end up feeling better than you ever did before.

8. Don’t get stuck in the same lame routine! Mix things up a bit. Have a picnic in the park, stay at home and do a puzzle, bake with your friends. You don’t need to feel tied down all the time.

9. Find time for yourself! In a world full of chaos, a moment alone can be rare. Make sure you’re okay with being alone. Embrace it if you can.

10. Status isn’t statistics. Don’t let common cliches take away from your individual identity.

Overall, by simply being yourself, you are simply being beautiful. As long as you have good goals, you should be just fine.

Take a deep breath, and enjoy the ride.

(And thank you to Hawk Eye for an amazing two years! Journalism will forever be a part of my life.)