The girls lacrosse team traveled through the Steel City to North Hills High School Monday night to do battle with the Indians.
“Before the game, I told the girls we are prepared and ready,” said first-year head-coach Jackie Rutkowski. “There is nothing to be nervous about and we have the script for exactly how this is going to play out because we have practiced it for weeks now.”
Coach Rutkowski was right, as the Lady Hawks brought home the 18-4 dub on St. Patrick’s Day.
The starting goalie for the game was sophomore Pippa King.
Starting on defense were senior Kylie Kasievich, juniors Ashley Stasik and Maddy Cook and sophomore Mikayla Watson.
On the attacking end, the starters were juniors Morgan Cook, Sarah Neal, Reese Mellinger and Jennifer Heh.
The three midfielders were junior Scotlyn Paxton and sophomores Cami Fisher and Liliana Centofanti.
At halftime, the Hawks lead 10-2.
“At halftime, we shifted our game strategy a bit to allow for more movement and to try new plays we had not run yet,” said Coach Rutkowski.
The Hawks later scored eight more goals to get the win.
“I think the team really worked well together when we were re-defending and trying to get the ball back.” said team captain Scotlyn Paxton.
The 18 goals that the Hawks had were scored by six different players.
Sophomore Liliana Centofanti led the team with six goals. Junior Sarah Neal had four goals and two assists, junior Morgan Cook had four goals, sophomore Cami Fisher had three goals and two assists, junior Scotlyn Paxton had one goal and three assists, junior Kylie Demark had one goal, junior Jennifer Heh had four assists throughout the night and sophomore goalie Pippa King had six saves.
“Our fundamentals were spot on,” mentioned Coach Rutkowski. “Every player has put in the time to better their skills and it showed tonight in every aspect of the game. Offensively, players shot placements were precise and accurate. You could really see the entire team effort during the ride while re-defending. Defense was a large cohesive unit- talking and moving as one.”
When asked how it feels to secure your first win as a coach, she said: “It’s a confidence boost and it’s invigorating. It’s a great way to start the season off, and we are ready to take on our next team for our home opener Thursday versus Trinity.”
“I think the team dynamic was supportive and overall excited to be there. I know we are all extremely grateful and happy to have been able to have a season this year!” said Scotlyn Paxton.
Looking forward, the Hawks are getting ready for their home opener against the Trinity Hillers on Thursday, March 20 at the Nest at 4 p.m.