In March, BPHS is set to stage “The Sound of Music” for the 2025 spring musical. The show is directed by Mr. Todd Kuczawa and Ms. Julia Davin. The Pit Director is Mr. Jay McDowell, the Dance Choreographer is Ms. Paige Landay, the Costume Director is Ms. Heather Veltri, and the Stage Crew Director is Mr. Christopher Plummer.
The musical takes place in Salzburg, Austria in 1938. The main lead is a character named Maria, who takes a governess job for a family. During her time as a governess, Maria falls in love with the seven children and the widowed father, Captain von Trapp. This is definitely a musical you don’t want to miss!
There are many talented students portraying these roles! Take a look at the cast list!
- Maria – Senior Maria Catana and Junior Joanna Little
- Captain von Trapp – Junior Andrew Hughes and Sophomore Liam Coll
- Elsa – Junior Peyton Michaels and Senior Izzy Townsend
- Max – Senior Caleb Steele and Senior Tristan Shay
- Mother Abbess – Senior Maggie Babyak and Junior Nina Lane
- Sister Berthe – Freshman Eliza Sterbal and Junior Ashlyn Schmidt
- Sister Margaretta – Senior Kalee Moorhead and Junior Layla Jones
- Sister Sophia – Senior Carly Dowell and Senior Anna Kelly
- Rolf – Junior Maden Konopka and Junior Noah Rauch
- Liesl – Junior Rylin Celento and Freshman Sydney Glover
- Louisa – Freshman Tessa Braham and Freshman Stella Rectenwald
- Brigitta – Junior Reese Fontanesi and Freshman Sydney Kellander
- Friedrich – Junior Caden Smith and Freshman Aiden Rea
- Herr Zeller – Senior Quin Reynolds and Junior Nathan George
- Franz – Junior Parker Walton and Senior James Sipe
- Frau Schmidt – Senior Sophia Brawner and Junior Kiley Flanigan
- Admiral Von Schreib – Sophomore AJ Bielozer and Freshman Josh Chamberlin
- Baroness Elberfeld – Senior Kristen Weiss and Junior Sharlyne Ngigi
- Frau Zeller – Freshman Bella Nuovo
Those familiar with “The Sound of Music” might be wondering where the roles of Kurt, Marta and Gretl are. Well, these roles are being played by younger students in the School district! Matthew L and Brett M will be playing Kurt, Evelyn M and Aubrey W are playing Marta, and Melina C and Maria S are playing the role of Gretl.
The leads are not the only part of this musical! There’s also an ensemble, featured dancers, the pit, and stage crew!
The ensemble is a huge part of making the musical amazing! They support the leading characters, enhance the emotional impact of a scene and help convey the story’s mood and atmosphere. Without the ensemble, the musical wouldn’t be as captivating as it is!
The featured dancers are led by head dance captains Senior Alyvia Sohyda and Junior Charlotte Gaston! Featured dancers bring so much energy to the stage through the choreography, which makes them an integral part in helping bring the show together!
Stage Crew is another important part of the show. They do it all behind the scenes from working the sound booth, lighting, and all of the scene changes and props! The show couldn’t run without them.
The Pit is yet another huge part of producing this show. They play and perform all of the music for the show and help bring the show together.
Last but not least, junior Riley Smith and senior Lily Janus have the pleasure to be the Student Directors!! These ladies are the director’s right-hand man and help with the entire production. They help with just about everything and help things run smoothly.
The show is set to stage March 12-15. This show has an amazing cast and crew and is definitely a show fans will not want to miss!