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June events for graduating seniors!

Students celebrate by tossing their caps after their graduation on June 8, 2023 at Black Hawk Stadium.

Photo courtesy of Jim Cromie, Bethel Park School District
Students celebrate by tossing their caps after their graduation on June 8, 2023 at Black Hawk Stadium. Photo courtesy of Jim Cromie, Bethel Park School District

“Pomp and Circumstance” is already playing through senior students’ heads.

June is the last month students in the Class of 2024 will be high school students. The days leading up to June 6 are crucial.

The last day of school for seniors is May 31.

The first event is June 3, which is the first graduation practice. The report time is 10 a.m.

At this practice, seniors will review seating, honor cords, and civics certificates.

The senior picnic will immediately follow the practice.

From June 3-5, students can get their cap and gown if they didn’t get it last month.

June 4 is the last day of school for students in grades kindergarten through 11.

For seniors, June 4 is a graduation practice date.

Seniors must be in the high school auditorium at 8:50 a.m.

After the practice, students must be off the campus, unless given previous permission by an administrator.

The same goes for  June 5.

On June 5, students will also receive tickets for the ceremony. These eight tickets will only be given out if the student has no prior obligations.

June 5, at night, is the Baccalaureate Ceremony. This event is optional for seniors and is coordinated by the High School Campus Life.

Students who would like to participate must report to the high school cafeteria by 6:45 in their caps and gowns.

June 6 is the big day: the commencement ceremony.

Ticketed seating opens at 5 p.m. whereas general admission opens up at 6:15 p.m.

Students are asked to not bring any personal items (cameras, coats, purses), as they must stay in the auditorium during the ceremony and could get lost.

M&M Photography will be present taking pictures of the graduates as they receive their diplomas.

Link to order pictures at graduation:

The ceremony will be streamed on Blackhawk TV.

Both sides of the stadium will be used. Parents are advised to ask their kids what side of the stadium they will be closest to.

There are two rain dates scheduled. June 7 at 7 p.m. and June 10 at 7 p.m.

Congratulations to all seniors for all their hard work at BPHS!