February at BPHS is full of activities

BPHS mascots pose for a picture at the Homecoming Spirit Assembly earlier this year

Meghan DeHaven

BPHS mascots pose for a picture at the Homecoming Spirit Assembly earlier this year

Meghan DeHaven, Managing Editor

BPHS will have a full month of activities this February.

To kick off the month, SGA will host their annual Wish Week from Feb. 6-10. SGA will send out a Google Form to all students and staff that allows them to make a wish to friends, other students or teachers, or themselves. These wishes will be granted during Spirit Week the following week.

Throughout the same week, Vernissage will be selling valentines to fundraise for their club and the Class of 2026 will be selling cookie grams at lunch to fundraise for their senior prom. Both will be delivered to homerooms on Feb. 14.

On Feb. 9, SGA is planning a spirit assembly that kicks off Spirit Week from Feb. 10-17. That day, the school will run with the PM activity schedule. The assembly will support the Bocce team’s home game against USC after school that day. Students are encouraged to stay after school to cheer on the Bocce team. Wear black and orange to the assembly to display support for the team. There will be a miracle minute at the beginning of the assembly to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House.

The themes for the spirit days are:

  • Monday, Feb. 9: Black and Orange Day
  • Friday, Feb. 10: Grade Color Day (Freshman: Blue, Sophomore: Green, Junior: Yellow, Senior: Red
  • Monday, Feb. 13: Hat Day
  • Tuesday, Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day (Wear red and pink)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 15: College Apparel Day
  • Thursday, Feb. 16: Yinzer Day (Black and Yellow)
  • Friday, Feb. 17: Club Day (Dress up with your club or wear your club shirts)

During spirit week, there will be activities during lunch.

SGA will also hold a Counting for Coins on Feb. 15 that supports the Ronald McDonald House.

The class of 2024 will have a Sarris Sale to fundraise for their senior prom. They will be selling until Feb. 17.

On Feb. 17, the Class of 2023 will throw a Sadie Hawkins Dance to fundraise for their senior prom. The Class of 2023 invites all grades to attend the dance. The dance will be from 7-10 p.m. Tickets are $10 per person and will be accepted until Feb. 10. There is a Google Form and a paper form that students need to fill out before they buy their tickets.

Make sure to participate in the activities throughout the month of February. Also, follow @bphs_sga on Instagram to keep updated on future events or for additional information.