Make a wish, get ready for Spirit Week
SGA Senate and E-Board members at their most recent meeting to discuss the plans for the month of February.
February 10, 2022
Spirits are high at BPHS this month. Feb. 7- 11 is Wish Week. A spirit assembly on Friday, Feb. 11 will bring Wish Week to a close and kick-off Spirit Week.
In order to make a wish, students can either scan the QR code which SGA posted around the school or click on the Google Form link in the email that SGA sent out. Wishes students can make include flowers, Sarris chocolate, ChapStick, etc. These wishes will be granted during the week of Feb. 14.
The spirit assembly will be MC’d by seniors Abbey Wright and Max Smith as the Hawk walks around taking pictures with students. To open the assembly, Top 21 will sing the Star-Spangled Banner and the Alma Mater.
A dodgeball tournament will be held at the assembly. The teams include clubs such as German Club, Yearbook/Newspaper, Ways n’ Means, and more.
Games such as trivia and a “who has it” game will be also played at the assembly.
Also during the assembly, students will participate in Miracle Minute, one minute where members of SGA and best buddies will collect as much money as they can. The money raised will go to the Western PA Miracle League.
On Feb. 16, BPHS will participate in Counting for Coins where teachers will collect money that also goes to the Western PA Miracle League. However long it takes the teachers to count this money is how long the students “don’t have class.”
Spirit Week starts Feb. 14 and ends Feb. 18.
Monday – Valentines (red/pink)
Tuesday – Hat day
Wednesday – Dress like a teacher/ teachers dress like a student
Thursday – Jersey Thursday
Friday – Twin Day
Make sure to send out wishes, attend the spirit assembly, and participate in Spirit Week! Also, follow @bphs_sga on Instagram and stay tuned for a spirit assembly recap video by Evan Manion and Meghan DeHaven.