November spirit week begins Thursday with class colors

Hawk Eye Staff

Then sophomore Michael Dudjak, math teacher Mr. Short, and then freshman Jack Kohnfelder sport their jerseys on a spirit day in February, 2020.

Jacob Toth, Staff Writer

Starting Thursday, Nov. 18, BPHS will be having a spirit week. These are the following themes for the days.

On Thursday, it is “Class Color Wars.” On this day, seniors wear blue, juniors wear red, sophomores wear orange, and freshmen wear yellow.

On Friday, it is “Tourist/Hawaiian Day.”

“Meme Monday” kicks off the following week.

On Tuesday, it is “Pajama Day”

“Turkey Day/Jersey Day” is Wednesday.

There will also be hot chocolate in the main lobby one morning this November. Keep in mind that all outfits must follow the school dress code.  For more info and to stay updated, follow @bphs_sga on Instagram.