Important dates for seniors

The word “academics” welcomes students to said wing of the school.

Amelia "Mia" Lazzaro, Staff Writer

Attention seniors!

As your final few weeks of high school end, keep in mind important dates before you graduate.

  • May 31 – Don’t forget all Bethel Park schools are closed for Memorial Day! Take advantage of this day to relax, catch up on missing assignments, or check in with your family.
  • June 1-2 – Seniors must return their Chromebooks within these four days to the setup in front of the Principal’s Conference Room on the fourth floor.
  • June 3 – All library materials are due to the library from seniors. Any other obligations must be completed for you to receive your cap and gown. If you need verification about your obligations, please call Mrs. Ricciuti at (412)854-8514.
  • June 3 @6:30 p.m. – Senior Awards Assembly in the BPHS Auditorium (with more details in future days)
  • June 4 & 7 – Time to clean out your lockers (if you actually used them)!
  • June 8 – Senior Picnic
  • June 9 @8:30 a.m. – Seniors are required to attend the first day of graduation practice in the BPHS Auditorium.
  • June 10 @10:45 a.m. – Seniors are required to attend the second day of graduation practice to receive their cap and gown in the Auditorium
  • June 11 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
  • June 12 @10:00 a.m. – Graduation Ceremony! BPHS plans on having an outdoor ceremony. The number of ceremonies is dependent on the county regulations and percentages that occur near graduation day. BPHS hopes to only have one ceremony, but the chances are closer to having two in order to offer families the most possible tickets while still maintaining safety and adhering to the county guidelines. If there is one ceremony, it will start at 10 a.m. If two ceremonies occur, they will start at 9 and 10:30 a.m.
  • July 5-9 – Yearbook pickup

We wish you the best of luck, seniors, as we near the end of this crazy year and hope for nothing but success and a feeling of accomplishment going into the summer of 2021!