Blood drive to take place on March 25

Brooke Veith

A student donates blood at the blood drive at BPHS on Jan. 15, 2020.

Anna Counihan, Staff Writer

On Thursday, March 25, BPHS will offer students the chance to donate blood to be given to those in need. This is a community event, but the school will allow students to donate in the South Gym of the high school.

This is a great opportunity to give to the community during a time when it is essential to help. Donations can be used in blood transfusions and for research purposes. It is a quick process, and students get to choose any class period to skip for the donation, though they are expected to make up any missed work.

Those who are sixteen and under need to have a permission slip filled out along with the green piece of paper, which will be used as an excuse from class. Students must bring proper ID with them. Examples of proper ID include high school ID card, driver’s license/permit, Vitalant ID, or a birth certificate along with a picture ID that includes the student’s full name. 

All participants are encouraged to eat a healthy meal that includes iron-rich foods within two hours of his/her donation. Some great iron-rich foods include leafy green vegetables, red meat, and iron-filled cereals, such as Raisin Bran. Any healthy snack is a good option beforehand, as it lessens the risk of passing out. 

Drink plenty of non-caffeinated beverages such as water or juice one hour before donating. Avoid sugary drinks and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, iced tea, Mountain Dew,  Red Bull, Pepsi, etc. 

Donators should come well-rested, avoid smoking an hour before donating and avoid chewing gum before or during the donation. Wear short sleeves or non-restrictive clothing. 

If eligible, please consider donating! Every donation helps and you could save lives!