Students to continue remote learning until second week of December

Jacob Toth, Staff Writer

COVID-19 cases have been rapidly increasing in the state. The virus has chosen everyone from the elderly to seemingly healthy adults, to even teenagers and children.

Despite safety measures that schools have taken, there has been an increase in cases within schools.

BPHS has even fallen victim. Over the weekend, there were two new cases reported, the fourth and fifth in the past two weeks.

Per their health and safety protocols, the District announced on Monday, Nov. 16 that it would be closed until Dec. 1. Full-time virtual learning would take place during the building closure.

A day later, this plan changed. The District announced that from Dec. 1 through Dec. 7, all schools would be closed and virtual learning would continue to take place.

The District plans to return to hybrid learning on Dec. 8 based on current information from the PA Departments of Health and Education.

Those who were in close contact with those who have been infected with the virus were contacted.