Students to “move up” at BPHS
On Wednesday, May 30, students in grades 9-11 will be “moving up” by walking through their schedules for next year.
They will receive information from their future teachers about the course syllabus and summer work if any. They will spend 8-10 minutes in each period and the school will be on a 2-hour delay schedule.
Students who have lunch should report to the cafeteria. Students who have PE classes, should report to the Main Gym Bleachers. Students who attend Steel Center, Parkway, and Vocational School should report to the cafeteria. Students who attend Mon Valley should report to the LSS classroom. And students who get an early release should report to the cafeteria.
Students will receive their tentative schedules in homeroom the morning of May 30.
After Move-Up Day, if any student wants to change their schedule, then they need to complete an Add/Drop Form and drop it off in the Guidance Office.
The current IMS 8th grade students will be dropped off at the high school and will be participating in the Move-Up Day. The seniors will be attending graduation practice during that time period.