Ceramic students display their clay
April 25, 2017
Four of Bethel Park’s finest artists submitted their work to the Pittsburgh Area High School Students Exhibition at the Clay Place in Carnegie.
The exhibition took place on Thursday, April 13 from 6- 8 PM.
Representing Bethel Park were Mady Condie, creator of the Wheel thrown bud vases; Angeline DeFelice, with her piece “Nicho;” Dylan Lauritzen, creator of the Face bowls; and Megan Zediker, creator of the Pug bust.
Overall, 18 schools participated in the exhibition. In addition to Bethel Park, other area schools included: Baldwin-Whitehall, Carrick, Peters Township, Woodland Hills, Trinity, and Pittsburgh CAPA High School and Middle School.
Bethany Benson, Associate Professor of Art of Juniata College, judged the clay pieces and awarded four students a $50 prize and others honorable mentions.
Peters Township High School was voted best overall program and won 500 lbs. of clay.
Although none of Bethel Park’s students took home a prize, it surely was an honor to participate in the exhibition.
Megan Zediker, one of the ceramic students nominated, mentioned how challenging it was to make her pug bust as realistic as possible, but overall it was a cool and challenging thing to do. She also mentioned how her piece was hand built and that her inspiration for the piece was her love for dogs.
Congratulations to the four who were nominated. More information and pictures of the clay pieces is available here.