Drum Line, Bethettes and Majorettes perform Florida trip preview

Kayla Dell, Staff Writer

On Tuesday, April 4 at 6 PM, friends and family of the Bethettes, Majorettes, and Drum Line gathered in the BPHS gymnasium to see a preview of each group’s Florida trip performance routine.

This was the only chance for the families of these performers to catch a glimpse of the Florida trip routines.

The Majorettes began the performance with a “blast from the past” themed routine.

The Bethettes followed the Majorette performance with a routine consisting of a mix of marching and pop dance.

The Drum Line concluded the performance with a new, featured version of “Cadence,” their traditional performance number.

Each group’s performance was followed by lots of applause and compliments from those in attendance at the event.

Drum Line, Bethettes, and Majorettes will be competing in Universal Studios on the Florida trip, in addition to Disney performances with the other ensembles.

Junior Bethette, Michaela Isenberg, said, “It was great for all of the girls to finally have an audience- we all really stepped in up and performed”.

Natalia Antowiak, a junior who will also be attending the trip to Disney, described the performance saying, “Everyone did so well! I loved watching all of my friends perform and I can’t wait to see it again in Florida!’

Each group is hopeful for positive results in their competition. The work of these three groups over the past four months has surely paid off.