Don’t miss your chance to be in the Top 21

Photo credit: Ellie McGregor

Top 21 sings the National Anthem at the Fall Spirit Assembly earlier this year.

Lizzy Partsch, Staff Writer

Top 21 auditions are almost here and are approaching fast.

Auditions will be held in Mr. Kuczawa’s room, 420, and auditions will take place Monday thru Friday of the 1st week of April, periods 1, 2, 5, 9 and after school. You will also need to complete an audition application in Mr. K’s room.

Top 21 is an elite group of 21 best singers in the Bethel Park Choir that perform at several different events and concerts around Allegheny County.

Mr. Kuczawa, choir teacher, is in charge of the both the tryouts and Top 21 in general. Here are a list of different things you will be tested on during the audition.

  • Vocalize from high to low
  • Have a prepared solo with the two copies of the sheet music (does not have to be memorized)
  • Ear training consisting of…
    • Identifying major and minor chords
    • Sing and identify all three minor scales in solfege
    • Identifying M3, P4, and P5
    • Identifying Root, 3rd, and 5th
    • Sing patterns of notes of solfege in which he instructs you to do
  • Sight reading 8-12 measures of solfege

Good luck to all who are trying out!