Last chance to nominate your custodian for Janitor of the Year

Kayte Zeiler, Staff Writer

The custodians at BPHS put in countless hours keeping the school clean and presentable, why not give them the recognition they deserve.

Cintas, an American company located in Cincinnati, Ohio that provides specialized services to businesses, primarily in North America, is holding a nationwide competition for janitor of the year.

The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2017. To nominate your custodian, head to Cintas’ website.

The contest was created to shine a spotlight on the hard work and dedication of our beloved custodians.

The winner will be awarded $5,000 and the winning janitor’s school will receive $5,000 in Cintas and Rubbermaid® Commercial products and services. A $500 cash prize will be awarded to all additional top nine finalists.

Janitor of the Year contest is open to all elementary, middle, high school and university janitors and custodians who have worked at their school for at least two years. Nominations must be 500 words or less on why the nominee is deserving of the award.

The top 10 finalists will be announced on March 15. The public will be asked to vote for their favorite nominee through April 14. The finalist receiving the most votes will be crowned Janitor of the Year.