Great Alumni Hall of Fame to welcome five new alumni

Lizzy Partsch, Staff Writer

Five new alumni will be inducted into the Bethel Park Great Alumni Hall of Fame during halftime of the boys’ basketball game on Friday night.

This year’s Hall of Fame inductees are Carl G. Amrhein, Class of 1974, Dave Levy, Class of 1985, Dan Martell, Ph.D, Class of 1976, Dr. Charles Vaughn Strimlan, Class of 1963, and Daniel L Svaranowic, Class of 1985.

Every year since 2013 when it was first established, many alumni are nominated by their close family and friends, who feel they contribute to the well being of our community, careers or even a particular person.

Mr. O’Brien, NHS co-sponsor, said, “This year we had over 20 nominees for the Great Alumni Hall of Fame.”

The process is actually fairly simple. Each person is nominated via a document that the person or people who nominated them fills out. They are then reviewed by the BPHS administration and by some students from NHS and SGA. They eventually go through each individual, voting who they feel deserves the title.

It certainly takes hard work and dedication to be nominated into the Hall of Fame and is definitely a huge honor.

Congratulations to all the inductees!